The International Center for Hope & Charity

January 2006


On January 7th, we gathered at The Culture House, "Reductor" to celebrate "The Christmas Trees", which was the second time event for our organization. There were approximately 700 children that attended.

They were from Orphanages of the Republic. After the performances, the children had a great time on the dance floor, while they participated in different competitions.


On January 8th, children from needy families in the neighboring city, Votkinsk, came to celebrate Christmas with us. We, also, gave 8 new microwave ovens to The Orphanage in Votkinsk. This will allow the teens that live there, to warm up food anytime.

On January 15th, we visited the two furtherest orphanages in Udmurtia Republic. We took our theatre group and volunteers with us, as well as gifts for each child. We presented them with sleds, sleighs and skies. We wanted to be sure these children were not left without attention and presents.

Essential hygiene items and office supplies were purchased and given to Internoit school #75, located in Izhevsk. This particular orphanage was the first one that ICH assisted in the year 2000 and we still are very close with the director and teachers.

The office-place situation is still not resolved but we continue to hope and pray that soon this too will be resolved. We do, however, continue to do the repairs. Meanwhile, the first volunteers' group is working on its own with the addicts, without psychologist's supervision. There are positive results: the women are getting stronger and gradually, their appearance is changing, also.

On January 28th, a seminar was held that pertained to "Particularities of Orphan Children." Our Psychologist taught as to how to work with difficult children. This is a wonderful break through.

Our weekly meetings at Orphanage #2 remain unchanged. However, we do notice that the inner feeling of the children, is being changed as are their manners, values and behavior. They are no longer impertinent, embittered teenagers like we had met 2 years ago when we received permission to organize the meetings in the school. The children have learned to trust us for they have come to know that they are loved the way they are. It is not only our staff and volunteers that see the difference, their teachers say the same.

We sincerely express our gratitude and sincerest thanks to all who have assisted us in this journey with monetary gifts as well as the volunteers who have given their time and love. Without you all, we could not have come this far. The programs and projects are going full strength because of your gifts and your prayers. We thank you for allowing us to help these needy families with funds to purchase food items and for making it possible for us to share our faith/thoughts with these children. WE SAY THANKS!!!!