The International Center for Hope & Charity



18 needy families received help with food

12 needy families got assisted with a set of hygiene&household items

7 families received diaper packs for babies

7 adoptive moms attended a course

1 family that raise a handicapped child was assisted to pay a surgery and travel costs to the clinic

Let’s tell you a little bit more about ICHC other work in January.

For most of us it’s the time of New Year vacation and then going back to the “work mood”.

In January, 2021 International Center of Hope & Charity, Izhevsk, keeps working according to our regular program called “A giving hand” - we assist needy families with essential food and/or household & hygiene items and diapers for babies. We try to learn each difficult situation to help people get over it and not just receive goods with no definite reason. Also it’s a chance to tell people that all these goods were purchased thanks to donations from Christians - people who care for those who are in need. All of the families are very thankful for such a help as it usually comes in time as well as we are! Thanks for supporting this ministry!

So in January ICHC helped 18 poor families of Izhevsk with food (if the family raise more than three kids the food set is enlarged and contains more positions). 12 families received sets of household and hygiene items and 7 families got big diaper packs for their babies for free.

Another branch of our ministry is the Foster parents Club that works monthly. At the end of January seven adoptive moms got together to share their news with each other and a Christian counselor, and watch a movie about a young man raised in an orphanage but suddenly coming across his father considered dead since long ago. What do they have to do? Have they got anything In common? Are they completely different people? Do they need each other? These and many other queries were brought up in the movie so our Club members were supposed to have a look at their lives through the issues. What are they thankful for, having adopted their children some time ago? Have they really become their parents? Do they cherish each other the way they should be?

We really hope this ministry helps foster families to consider themselves as genuine and united and love their children even more.

Thanks to your support and prayers in January we were able to pay for the surgery and travel costs to the clinic and back to a 5-yo boy Fedya who’s struggling with children cerebral palsy and is learning to walk by himself. The surgery went really well and the doctors make good projections on the boy’s condition - very probably he will be able to walk on his own.

He now needs some training and then a rehab course and another surgery on his leg muscles might be necessary. But so far we are so proud of Fedya as he’s a smart boy and he really wants to walk! Let’s pray for him together and wish him luck!

We’re grateful to everyone supporting our ministry! Thanks! Your contributions is a blessing for us! May the Lord keep you in peace and health!