The International Center for Hope & Charity

June 2010

The most important event for the staff and volunteers of ICH in June was a 8-days camp in Selychka for 26 orphans from the orphanage #2 in Izhevsk. Entertaining program for the camp was created by the volunteers. Kids and teenagers had their own special calendar to live: each day was devoted to a special holiday that is important for all the mankind. Orphans became not only participants of sport competitions (such as Olympic games), but also theatre sketches and discussions. In spite of the fact that children had to work (help adults), it did not allow to diminish their joy of being in the camp with us.

In ICH Votkinsk there also has been organized a camp - 14-days camp at the office place. 15 kids from needy families having many children attended the camp. During the camp they played sports, listened to the music, went boating, visited Horse Club, etc. Children were happy to participate in it.

8 poor families in Izhevsk and Votkinsk received assistance with food and clothes, as well as vitamins for children.

We thank everyone that supports us in our ministry! May the Lord bless you!






