The International Center for Hope & Charity



29 needy families received food and clothes at ICHC

12 foster families attended a class for foster families

2 families raising a sick child received assistance

12 workers of city administration attended the seminar

May has been rich in events for the Intl’ Center of Hope & Charity, in spite of the days off and holidays in Russia.

In May ICHC helped 29 needy families with food sets, household and hygiene items and diapers for babies. Each week we have reception days when people in difficult life situations come and receive assistance. When they come we always try to tell them about God’s love and mercy towards His children. Also such needy people learn that the help they get comes from those who donated money to support this kind of ministry.

ICHC keeps fundraising for an 8-year-old boy named Vanya from Izhevsk who suffers from autistic spectrum disorder. He needs rehabilitation which costs about 100 thousand rubles. So far we have raised half of the amount needed. But we hope for the best for this boy! May God help him.

Besides, we have one more little boy from Izhevsk who needs help. His name is Yegor, he’s 10 and he’s a “crystal” boy, he has brittle bone disease. Yegor's bones are so fragile that they break easily. At the same time to grow up as a normal child he needs to be active, to exercise (according to a special program) and walk a lot. But Yegor's mom (his father has left the family) is afraid to make him walk because of possible fractures. So this is a catch twenty two situation. Anyway, Yegor gets a special treatment in a Moscow clinic which he needs to have 3-4 times a year. His family has to pay roundtrip tickets for the boy and his mom who accompanies him. This is not so much money, but it’s still very difficult for a single mom raising a sick boy. ICHC has helped them regularly since 2016. To learn more about Yegor see

In mid-May, ICHC organized a Day of Open Doors for workers of Department of Family of Administration of Izhevsk and Centers of Help to the citizens of Izhevsk. Twelve workers attended and learned more about the story of ICHC, the way ICHC helps needy families and the Foster Parents Club.

In the framework of the Foster Parents Club the psychologists held a meeting for twelve parents where they were introduced to useful technologies in interaction with kids such as "i-messages" and inductive reasoning (invented by Thomas Gordon) and learned how to develop successful parenting behaviors. Some of the adoptive moms even received individual counseling after the meeting.

Regularly we get a feedback from the people we help, thus we see how meaningful such help is to them. That is the reason why we are so thankful to everyone who supports us in our ministry! Thank you!

If you are willing to support our work, be sure to write to

Thank you and have a blessed day!

May the Lord bless you!