The International Center for Hope & Charity



39 needy families received food, hygiene items, school supplies and diapers at ICHC

15 adoptive parents and kids attended an event for foster families

2 families raising a sick child received assistance

Dear friends! Here is our short report about ICHC activities in September.

In September 39 needy families of the cities of Izhevsk and Sarapul in Udmurtia, Russia, received assistance in Intl’ Center for Hope & Charity with food sets, packages of hygiene items, diapers for babies, sometimes medicine for kids if parents couldn’t afford to pay for it. To families having many kids we gave special enlarged food sets.

Besides that, ICHC works according to the “Let’s be merciful” program that implies helping pay for medical treatment or rehab for sick kids. In September ICHC bought an inhaler-nebulizer for a boy suffering from spasmodic asthma whose mom is single and can’t afford to buy it. Also we paid for a month attendance in the kindergarten for a child living in a poor family.

Moreover, we keep on fundraising for a boy Vanya with autism that needs rehab courses regularly. ICHC helped him twice last year and in June 2019, but the boy needs treatment every 6 months. Doctors say there is hope for him and his parents can already see good results of the treatment.  

ICHC keeps on preparing for a big Charity Christmas project with gifts for 1500 orphans and children from needy families of Izhevsk.  Each year, in the fall, we buy candy, make gifts and then about 50 volunteers help us interact with orphans during the performances. The plot of the play is already written, the choreographers and dancers are rehearsing, the director of the play has already discussed the costumes with the designers, the parts are distributed. Many details are being discussed now and we would really appreciate for you to join in and pray for this project!

This time the performances are going to take place at the beginning of January (2020) because of the orthodox Christmas in Russia when people all over the country tend to celebrate this big event.

As for other projects, in the framework of the “Future begins today” project ICHC supports foster and adoptive families. We have a special Club for these people where they can get psychological Christian counseling, take part in support groups and just hang out together with those who have the same issues and interests.

At the end of September Foster families Club got together to have a session of body-oriented therapy aimed at relaxing the body and building effective interaction between children and parents. Psychologists could also see the core relationships inside families during the session as many issues open up thanks to physical activities and communication between family members. All the participants gave positive feedback on the event after the session.  

Those people need prayer too – they have been courageous enough to take an orphan child into their family and for the most part the kids need special treatment, patience and love from the parents! The whole process of parenting can be not easy at all. We would love for you to pray for them too!

Meanwhile, we thank everyone who helps us in our ministry! We couldn’t have done it without your support! You’re in our prayers. May the Lord bless you!